Precision Software Appli…tions Silver Collection 4
Precision Software Applications Silver Collection Volume 4 (1993).iso
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Version 2.5
An Affordable Note System For Schools, Business, and the Home.
David Pabst
18 McAdams Road
Framingham, MA 01701
Available through
Compuserve Email ID# 76547,2643
RelayNet: Shareware
to David Pabst
copyright 1992
all rights reserved
Boot-A-Note 2.5 Features
Boot-A-Note is a simple note system for the home, office, or school
computer system. It resembles the written Post-It Note! It's very
easy to use, and it's very helpful in getting notes on how to use
the system, what's going on, or whatever you need to remind someone
Color Support
Boot-A-Note isn't a boring, no color program! Boot-A-Note
uses plenty of color! Color is used as a tool in Boot-A-Note;
The whole new look of BAN is uses color well.
Easy To Use Commands
Boot-A-Note comes with many command line options, whether you
want to post a new message, delete an old one, register the
software, or just get help you can do it from the DOS prompt.
No Need For A Separate Text Editor
Boot-A-Note has a built in three line editor for the "Notes"
you leave. Nice and simple! On the other hand, if you have
an editor you really like, you can simply edit the note with
If you want to edit the configuration file or the note file,
just call up your favorite text editor and edit. Of course,
you can just use the built in utilities.
When you register Boot-A-Note you will receive:
A) online support through Compuserve E-Mail,
B) unofficial support through the RelayNet Shareware message
C) bulletin board support,
D) A reduced upgrade price for major upgrades,
E) A disk with the latest version of Boot-A-Note,
F) notification of all future releases,
G) free minor upgrades,
E) possibly new, unreleased software for Free, and
F) a quarterly newsletter.License For Unregistered Shareware Evaluation Copies
Boot-A-Note is not public domain nor is it free. It is Shareware.
Shareware is a way of distributing (REFER TO SHAREWRE.DOC) software
so the purchaser can try the software before purchasing.
Non-registered users of this software have 14 days to try Boot-A-
Note before removing from their system, or you can register. Using
Boot-A-Note after the 14 day trial period without registering is
Boot-A-Note can not be modified in any respect, for any reason,
including but not limited to, de-compiling, disassembling, or
reverse engineering of Boot-A-Note. The registration screen and
all of the menus, help files, start up files must never be altered,
removed, bypassed, or disabled by any means (the registration bug-
a-boo screens are disabled with the registered copy).
You are free to distribute the publicly available shareware version
of Boot-A-Note to others subject to the above restrictions and also
the following:
A) No fee is charged for its use.
B) No re-numeration may be accepted for Boot-A-Note. This
does not apply to bulletin board services, online services,
membership, subscription, or access charges.
C) Boot-A-Note must be distributed in un-altered form,
complete with licensing information, full documentation,
and all accompanying files and programs. The archive must
not be altered in any respect and must be equivalent
to the one originally distributed.
D) All Shareware vendors must make sure the version they are
offering is the unregistered, shareware, evaluation copy.
Bulletin board systems (BBS) may make Boot-A-Note available for
transfer only if the above conditions are met. The archive
(BAN25.ZIP) distributed by me, or an equivalent archive, may be
made available only in complete form. Refer to the file listing
for the complete list of files that should be within the archive.
If the contents are not complete please send away for a
unregistered, shareware, evaluation copy of Boot-A-Note for $5 and
get 10% off any one program registration by David Pabst. (See
order form)
Vendors must give a fair description of Boot-A-Note. It can not be
negatively biased. Vendors may not refer to this software as
cheap, gaudy, worthless, et cetera.
License For Registered Copies of Boot-A-Note
The previous license agreement does not apply to the registered
version of Boot-A-Note. The registered software is protected under
Copyright laws. It must be treated exactly like commercial
software except with these exceptions:
A) I authorize the making of back up copies of the registered
version for the sole purpose of backing up your software
and protecting your investment from possible lost.
B) The medium on which the registered software is recorded is
transferred to the customer, but not the code, title, or
C) This software may not be transferred to other people,
except the original person who registered the software
(unless it is a gift). Still, this software may be only
used on one computer.
D) The registration code that is issued upon registration is
considered private, and should be considered your key to
the registered software. Lose the key, lose the
This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it
at any time by destroying the software with all copies, manuals,
disks, saved files, and other related items associated with Boot-A-
Note. The license also terminates if you fail to abide by the
regulations above.
Also, by terminating the license you wave the right to reduced
upgrade fees, upgrade notices, et cetera.
It is important that you read the instructions slowly and fully
before editing your autoexec batch. Be sure to make a backup of
your autoexec in case you really mess it up.
Boot-A-Note easily installs into your autoexec batch, and is self
sufficient from there. Here are simple installation instructions
for Boot-A-Note:
1) Unzip Boot-A-Note in a directory of your choice.
(preferably in a directory that is in the PATH statement;
If you want to call BAN up from any place on your hard
2) Edit your autoexec batch (AUTOEXEC.BAT) in the root drive
of your system.
a) Type CD\ if you are not in the root.
b) Use your favorite editor to OPEN autoexec batch,
and put Boot-A-Note somewhere within it. It
would probably be beneficial to place Boot-A-
Note after important system initialization
Example of AutoExec.BAT:
@echo off
prompt $p$g
c) After making changes; be sure to save your
autoexec batch!
3) Test Boot-A-Note by typing BAN in a directory different
from the one you have stored BAN.
a) Type BAN. It should say " No message pending."
1) If it doesn't, refer to the above instructions,
or send a message to one of the support systems.
4) You now can use Boot-A-Note; For a list of commands type
BAN ?, or read the section on "Boot-A-Note" commands.Boot-A-Note Commands
Most of Boot-A-Note's commands are command line options. This
means that at the DOS prompt, you can type BAN and then a command
letter. For complex programs you wouldn't want to have command
line options for major procedures, because it would be too complex
for most people. That's why a sophisticated user interface can
make or break a program (Many software packages written by me use
the Text Windowing Interface, this allows for windowing in all of
my programs; except Boot-A-Note.)
Boot-A-Note asks for the directory you want to store the
configuration file and note file. You should enter a directory in
your PATH. If you're an organized person, you might want to store
all the Boot-A-Note files in their own directory, BUT make sure
that the directory you pick is in the PATH!
To use commands you must type BAN [command]. For instance, to use
the help system, type "BAN ?". (without the quotation marks)
Description of Boot-A-Note Commands
? Help For Boot-A-Note
Using this command gives a brief description of all the
commands within Boot-A-Note.
N New Message For Boot-A-Note
Boot-A-Note has a built in note editor. Once you type
this a screen will come up with a box where you can enter
text. After you complete entering text, a "quick preview"
of what you entered will be displayed. You can either keep
or discard the entered text. Finally, It asks you where you
want to store the information (read above).
P Print Currently Stored Message
If you happen to need a copy of the stored note, just use
this command. It will print a copy of the note to LPT:1.
R Register Boot-A-Note
When you register Boot-A-Note you will receive a registra-
tion code. You will first be asked your name, then a code;
fill it out, and it will be personalized for you! Also,
You will be asked where you want to store the configuration
V Version Information
This displays any major changes to Boot-A-Note, copyright,
version, and release date.
S Setup of Boot-A-Note
This command is a menu. Right now it has three options, one
takes you to the registration option, another is the new
message editor, and the last one exits the menu. More
commands will be added as Boot-A-Note is developed.
Important Information
Boot-A-Note notes can be edited by using your favorite ASCII text
editor. The file you want to edit is known as BAN.NTE.
File List
BAN.EXE Boot-A-Note executable
BAN.DOC Boot-A-Note documentation
BAN.WPF Boot-A-Note documentation for WordPerfect 5.1 -
Fully Formatted.
ORDER.DOC Order\Registration for Boot-A-Note
BAN.CFG Boot-A-Note configuration, Boot-A-Note creates
it, when it is needed.
BAN.NTE Boot-A-Note note file. Created when needed.
HISTORY.DOC Boot-A-Note history.
SHAREWRE.DOC A file describing the Shareware concept.
FILE_ID.DIZ Description for Boot-A-Note when its uploaded
BAN_DESC.DOC Description for Boot-A-Note (long)
CATALOG.EXE DSP Software's Informational Catalog
What Happens When Boot-A-Note Runs
If there are no menus pending, Boot-A-Note will just fly by and
write Boot-A-Note on the screen, and the computer will keep going.
If there is a note waiting to be read it will display the message,
and ask if you want to keep or delete the note.
Keeping the note will keep it there until Boot-A-Note is run
again. The same question will reappear asking if you want to
keep or delete the note.
Deleting will terminate the note, and you will have to create
another note with command N or your text editor.
(You can find most of this information in the legal information
Boot-A-Note is not free software. It is shareware; Shareware is
basically, try before you buy! It has the ultimate money back
guarantee, if you don't like it, don't buy it.
Boot-A-Note costs $10 register. You will receive a disk with the
latest version of Boot-A-Note, future notification, a newsletter,
and a registration code.
If ORDER.DOC was not included with Boot-A-Note, mail to David
Pabst, 18 McAdams Road, Framingham, MA, 01701, USA.
Support\Furthur Help
If you have any questions, problems, comments not addressed in this
manual, feel free to make use of Boot-A-Note's online support.
Please post questions and comments in the RelayNet Shareware
conference (David Pabst), or compuserve EMAIL (to ID: 76547,2643).
Finally, you can call the )(evious Telecommunications Service at
(508)875-3618, and post a message to David Pabst in the EMAIL
conference. You may also download the latest version of Boot-A-
Note from )(evious, or the Compuserve IBMSYS forum.
Board Name Town\State\Country Phone
----------- ------------------ -----
)(evious Framingham, MA USA (508)875-3618
Channel 1 Cambridge, MA USA (617)354-2505
Both of these boards and Compuserve have the latest version of
Boot-A-Note available for download.